Execution Steps for Individuals:
Execution Steps for Individuals:

Paying an administrative fee of fifty pounds via InstaPay program and sending a picture of the transfer.

Sending a message with the requested amount.

Sending a photo of the ID card from both sides.

The client specifies in a written message the mobile number to which they wish to transfer, whether through InstaPay program, Cash Wallet, or by providing bank account details.

The client undertakes to repay the requested amount on the specified date and in the manner determined by us, whether by monthly installments for a period of one to two years starting from the first year, or by paying the full amount in one installment after a period of six months or a maximum of one year. Any delay in repayment on the specified date from our side exposes them to legal action.

The client undertakes not to change their phone number, and any change to the phone number will subject them to legal action.

We will promptly respond with the approved transfer amount and the payment method.

Execution Steps for Companies:

Paying an administrative fee of 200 pounds via InstaPay application and sending a picture of the transfer via WhatsApp.

Sending a photo of the ID card, commercial registration, and tax card.

Sending banking account details to the requesting company for financing.

Sending the requested amount of money.

We will promptly respond with a message to the client's mobile phone regarding the approved amount in case of approval and with the rejection in case of disapproval.
